Seamlessly deliver SMS and WhatsApp messages with our API

Explore Unified API

No credit card required

Developer in the office working on messaging API integration for WhatsApp and SMS
Man on the street reading an SMS appointment reminder
Elderly man in the snow checking his mobile for location via WhatsApp business message
Girl with a red cap reading a WhatsApp business message on her phone
Girl with a tattoo checking her phone for a rock festival invitation received via WhatsApp
Girl with a backpack at the station checking an SMS about her arriving taxi
Girl drinking juice in the street checking an SMS confirmation for a concert ticket
Girl on the street receiving a billing statement via SMS


of recipients convert after receiving messages


of messages are successfully delivered


of messages are opened by recipients


of customers opt-in for message communication

Seamless Multichannel Communication with TopMessage API

Unlock seamless multichannel communication with TopMessage's robust API. Effortlessly send and receive automated messages across SMS and WhatsApp using our ready-to-use code snippets for your preferred programming languages. Experience swift integration in minutes with minimal code, elevating your customer engagement to new heights. Transform your communication strategy and delight your customers with TopMessage.


No credit card required

Available Channels

Build Stronger Relationships with Our Communication Channels



Send and receive SMS messages reliably to your customers using TopMessage SMS API.

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WhatsApp API

WhatsApp API

Build your ideal WhatsApp engagement solution through WhatsApp API.

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Why Choose TopMessage API

High Performance

Hosted on a cloud-based platform, TopMessage’s API maintains exceptional performance even under heavy loads. It processes an industry-leading volume of messages daily, ensuring robust service for large campaigns.

Consolidated Documentation

TopMessage offers a unified and simplified documentation for all your API actions.

Global Coverage

TopMessage’s API allows you to send SMS and WhatsApp messages globally, guaranteeing dependable delivery.

Uncompromised Security

The TopMessage API is engineered with robust security protocols and strict adherence to international compliance standards, ensuring the protection of your message data throughout transmission and storage.

Flexible Scheduling

TopMessages API allows you to send messages instantly or schedule them for later delivery, ensuring optimal timing for your communications.

All-in-One API

A single, streamlined API integration to reach and engage customers across SMS and WhatsApp seamlessly.

How It Works

Integrating with TopMessage API


Select Your Plan
Configure Your API
Craft Template
Get an API Key
Integrate and Test
Set up Webhooks
Monitor and Optimize

Select Your Plan

Select from our available TopMessage subscription plans, or create a customized plan tailored to your preferred integration channels. Ensure continuous service by incorporating non-expiring credits for seamless automated message delivery.

Screenshot of TopMessage's pricing plans page

Configure Your API

Initiate the sender creation process. Opt for a custom SMS sender for one-way communication, or subscribe to a plan with a Virtual Mobile number or a verified WhatsApp sender for two-way communication.

Screenshot of TopMessage's senders page

Craft Template

Create personalized templates to streamline the automated message-sending process across your messaging channels.

Screenshot of TopMessages dynamic WhatsApp template creation page

Get an API Key

Create a single API key or use your current key to authenticate API requests for all channels securely.

Screenshot of TopMessage's API key creation page

Integrate and Test

Implement our pre-configured code designed for multichannel messaging API requests, ensuring it is adapted to effectively fit your specific use case and preferred programming language.

Screenshot of TopMessages API page showing the WhatsApp code testing function

Set up Webhooks

Seamlessly configure webhooks to receive immediate notifications and delivery reports across SMS and WhatsApp messaging channels. Efficiently manage the endpoints where the API transmits data back to your application, ensuring operational fluidity.

Screenshot of TopMessage's API page showing Webhook setup fields

Monitor and Optimize

Utilize sophisticated analytics tools to track key metrics such as message delivery rates, open rates, click reiterate, and code conversion rates across multiple channels. Continuously refine your strategies in real time to enhance efficiency and achieve your business objectives effectively.

Screenshot of the TopMessage's analytics page

Key Features ofTopMessage API

Get started fast with our solutions

Dynamic Templates

Branded Sender

Virtual Numbers

Automated Messaging

Link Shortening & Tracking

Enriched Content

Analytics and Reporting

Zapier Integrations


Verify API

Dynamic Templates

Craft dynamic templates with customizable fields, and copy the unique template ID to use in your API requests for sending personalized messages across multiple channels.

  • Personalized Multichannel Messaging

Example Use Case

Retail businesses can create promotional WhatsApp templates to quickly inform customers about ongoing sales, using rich media to enhance engagement.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Branded Sender

Increase your message open rates using a custom sender name that reflects your company. This name will appear on your customers' phones, which boosts in your sender's trust.

  • Brand Recognition

Example Use Case

Financial institutions can use branded sender names to send transaction alerts, ensuring customers recognize the sender immediately.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Virtual Numbers

Subscribe to TopMessage plans that include a mobile virtual number. Benefit from unlimited free incoming SMS messages and easily send automated replies using TopMessage APIs.

  • Use 2-Way Messaging

Example Use Case

Customer support centers can use virtual numbers to handle inquiries, ensuring a seamless customer service experience.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Automated Messaging

Streamline your messaging operations using the TopMessage unified API. Enhance security with 2FA, automate shipping notifications, and provide 24/7 customer support.

  • Streamlined Messaging with Unified API

Example Use Case

Healthcare providers can automate appointment reminders, reducing no-show rates and improving patient management.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Link Shortening & Tracking

Shorten URLs in messages to save characters and gather click-through rate analytics. Use advanced statistics to track each recipient's actions when they receive your links.

  • Engagement Tracking

Example Use Case

E-commerce sites can track the effectiveness of promotional links sent via WhatsApp, optimizing future marketing strategies based on click-through rates and conversions.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Enriched Content

Attach high-resolution photos, videos, audio messages, GIFs, and other media to enhance the recipient's experience and convey more information with each message.

  • Enhanced Messaging with Media

Example Use Case

Travel agencies can send promotional videos of destinations, enriching the customer experience and increasing booking rates.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Analytics and Reporting

Gain comprehensive insights into each message's status, customer interactions, and usage patterns. Use this data to make informed decisions, and maximize your ROI.

  • Comprehensive Insights

Example Use Case

Marketing teams can analyze campaign performance to refine strategies, improve engagement, and boost ROI.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Zapier Integrations

Implement multipart automation using Zapier alongside TopMessage API integration within your application to simplify and streamline complex workflows effectively.

  • Automated Messaging Workflows

Example Use Case

Businesses can automate customer support workflows by integrating WhatsApp notifications with their CRM systems, improving response times and customer satisfaction.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools


Receive real-time webhooks for events like new customer messages or message delivery updates. Automate seamlessly without the hassle of periodic API calls.

  • Automated Notifications

Example Use Case

Event organizers can receive real-time updates on attendee responses, enhancing event management and ensuring timely communications.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Verify API

Enable user authentication via their preferred channel using the unified API. Deliver one-time passwords (OTPs) through SMS or WhatsApp to enhance account security.

  • Multiple Authentication Channels

Example Use Case

Online platforms can use WhatsApp verification to secure user accounts, prevent fraudulent activities, and improve user trust.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Integration and Compatibility

Improve Productivity with TopMessage Unified API Integration

Add messaging capabilities to key business tools using TopMessage Unified API. Connect SMS and WhatsApp to CRM systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Zoho, automating workflows, sending and receiving messages, and ensuring consistent communication.



Connect Salesforce with TopMessage for business texting.



Reach HubSpot contacts with personalized messages.



Link the TopMessage’s enterprise messaging system to Pipedrive.



Simplify business texting from Zoho CRM with our solution.

Advanced Automation with API

Improve your customer engagement and streamline marketing efforts with TopMessage's Unified API, which offers advanced functionalities tailored for modern businesses.

Automated Response Systems

Promptly address customer inquiries through their preferred messaging channel using customizable message templates, ensuring quick responses and improving overall operational efficiency.

Trigger-Based Alerts

Keep customers informed with automated notifications triggered by specific actions, such as order confirmations or appointment reminders. This proactive approach boosts customer satisfaction by providing real-time updates.

Integrated Marketing Campaigns

Seamlessly integrate messaging strategies into your broader marketing initiatives. Whether sending personalized promotions, event invitations, or essential updates via SMS or WhatsApp, you can effectively nurture leads and drive sales.

Case Study

Strengthening Security with TopMessage's API Integration

An e-commerce startup improved customer transaction security and account access by integrating TopMessage's SMS API. The integration, completed in under 30 minutes, streamlined OTP delivery for 2FA within their platform. This enhanced security without complicating the user experience, ensuring quick and secure transactions while boosting customer satisfaction.

A man is doing a transaction using OTP supported by the TopMessage API in e-commerce


What is the TopMessage Unified API?

The TopMessage Unified API combines SMS and WhatsApp channels into a unified platform with standardized endpoints. It provides businesses with a single interface to manage messaging efficiently across both platforms. Businesses can automate message sending, receive delivery notifications, and access comprehensive analytics by leveraging the Unified API. This integration simplifies the management of user interactions and reduces the complexity of integrating multiple communication channels, ensuring streamlined and effective messaging strategies.

How do I sign up for API access?

To get started with our Unified Messaging API, create a free account and select a plan that fits your needs or customize one to your specifications. For one-way messaging, obtain your API key and use code snippets to start integration. For two-way messaging capabilities, subscribe to a plan that includes a virtual mobile number and WhatsApp sender. Proceed with API integration and configure webhooks for continuous communication.

Can I use the API for both SMS and WhatsApp messaging?

Yes, the TopMessage API supports SMS and WhatsApp messaging. It provides unified access to manage and send messages across these channels, seamless integration, and streamlined messaging operations.

What documentation is available to help with integration?

Integrate the TopMessage Unified Messaging API effortlessly with your application using our centralized documentation and comprehensive code samples tailored for various programming languages and use cases. This ensures straightforward implementation and compatibility across different development environments.

How do I track the success of my messaging through the API?

To track the success of your messaging through the TopMessage API, monitor key metrics such as delivery rate, open rate, click-through rate, response rate, and conversion rate. Set up webhooks for real-time notifications on message delivery and response events. Regularly generate reports to assess performance trends and optimize your messaging strategy accordingly. Monitoring these metrics helps gauge engagement and refine your approach for better results.

Can I automate messaging with the TopMessage API?

Yes, you can automate messaging using the TopMessage API. It allows you to schedule messages, automate responses, and trigger notifications based on specific events. This automation simplifies communication workflows and ensures timely delivery across channels, enhancing overall efficiency and customer engagement.

What security measures are in place for the API?

TopMessage prioritizes security measures to ensure the safety and reliability of its API, which is crucial for delivering effective messaging solutions. These comprehensive protections instill confidence in TopMessage API users regarding the confidentiality and dependability of their messaging activities:


Access to the API requires a valid and secure API key, strictly limiting usage to authorized users.


Messages sent via the API are protected with robust end-to-end encryption, ensuring data integrity throughout transmission.

Data Privacy:

TopMessage complies rigorously with GDPR and CCPA regulations, ensuring secure user data management.

Rate Limiting:

The API enforces rate limits to prevent misuse, promote fair usage, and maintain service reliability.


Advanced monitoring systems swiftly identify and respond to suspicious activities, fortifying overall security protocols.

How does the Verify API work?

The Verify API provided by TopMessage simplifies user verification by securely delivering OTPs (One-Time Passcodes) via SMS or WhatsApp. This solution enhances user security and builds trust, making it ideal for applications requiring robust and efficient verification mechanisms. Here’s how it works:

User Initiation:

Users start the verification process by entering their phone number on your platform.

Request Handling:

Your application sends a verification request to TopMessage's Verify API, specifying the user's phone number and preferred communication channel (SMS or WhatsApp).

OTP Generation:

TopMessage generates a unique OTP and sends it securely via the chosen channel to the user's registered phone number.

User Confirmation:

Upon receiving the OTP, the user inputs it into your application to complete the verification, ensuring a seamless and secure authentication process.
By ensuring that the entered OTP matches the one generated by TopMessage, the user's identity is verified, bolstering the security and reliability of your application's authentication procedures. This method supports user confidence and enhances overall application integrity.

Eager to connect?

Launch your marketing campaign with TopMessage today!

Curly-haired girl sitting on the floor checking her phone for a “Thank You” message received for her subscription