Expand your Audience with TopMessage SMS Campaigns

Reach a wide audience through TopMessage SMS campaigns in a fast and easy way. Ideal for sending promotions, alerts or reminders.


No credit card required


of SMS messages are opened by recipients


of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes


of SMS messages result in link clicks


of revenue is attributed to SMS campaigns

SMS Campaigns: Leverage the Reach of Direct Mobile Messaging

SMS Marketing Campaigns transform how you engage with your customers by sending promotional texts to their mobile phones. With an impressive 98% open rate, SMS Campaigns enhance customer experience, boost brand loyalty, and drive profitability.


No credit card required

Why Choose Us for Your SMS Campaigns

Industry-leading capacity

Reach up to 1 million contacts seamlessly with a single SMS campaign.

Lowest market price

Reduce costs with each SMS campaign, offering the best market prices as you scale.

Best-in-class deliverability

Achieve a 99.9% delivery rate on valid numbers thanks to reliable connections.

Intuitive interface

Create and send a successful SMS campaign from a user-friendly interface in a single step.

Advanced Automation

Choose from available triggers to automate SMS marketing campaigns based on customer data and behavior.

Regulations Compliance

Leverage our built-in compliance features to confidently use SMS campaigns in all countries and for all use cases.

Case Study

Utilize SMS to involve customers who ignore mobile push notifications

A fashion retailer identified 50,000 customers who ignored mobile push notifications and launched a targeted SMS initiative. Over three months, sales surpassed 250,000 solely from SMS efforts, boosting a conversion rate of over 10%. The campaign's distribution expenses amounted to $1,500, showcasing the cost-effective nature of SMS marketing.

Man selecting a belt at a clothing store that uses TopMessage for business texting

How It Works

Partnering with TopMessage on SMS Campaigns


Add SMS Credits
Craft Your SMS Campaign
Choose Scheduling Type
Launch Your SMS Campaign
Monitor and Optimize

Add SMS Credits

Top up your account with SMS credits based on the number of planned messages

Screenshot of TopMessage's pricing plans page

Craft Your SMS Campaign

Create message content, select the sender name, and choose the recipient list effortlessly from TopMessage’s user-friendly dashboard

Screenshot of TopMessage's SMS campaign creation page

Choose Scheduling Type

Plan the delivery times for your messages to maximize engagement. Send the messages instantly, or use smart scheduling to deliver them based on customer behavior insights.

Screenshot of TopMessage's SMS campaign page with scheduling function

Launch Your SMS Campaign

Conduct tests with a small group of recipients. Once everything looks good, proceed with the full launch and engage with your audience instantly.

Screenshot of TopMessage's campaign review page

Monitor and Optimize

After sending your SMS campaign, use analytics to track its performance. Monitor delivery rates, click-through rates, and conversions to assess effectiveness and optimize future campaigns.

Screenshot of the TopMessage's analytics page

Key Features of SMS Marketing Campaigns

Get started fast with our solutions

Dynamic Templates

Branded Senders

TopMessage AI

Automated Messaging

Opt-Out Management

Link Shortening & Tracking

Enriched Content

Analytics and Reporting

Integrations with Other Apps

Contact Management

Dynamic Templates

Create and customize engaging SMS templates.

  • SMS Personalization
  • Efficient Campaigns
  • Improved Engagement
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Branded Senders

Use custom sender names for brand recognition.

  • Brand Recognition
  • Higher Open Rate
  • Better Deliverability
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

TopMessage AI

Leverage AI-driven text suggestions and message optimization.

  • Time Optimization
  • Content Improvement
  • Error Reduction
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Automated Messaging

Automate SMS campaigns based on your customers' behavior for efficient communication.

  • Consistent Communication
  • Timely Responses
  • Repetitive Tasks Streamlining
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Opt-Out Management

Efficiently manage opt-outs for your SMS marketing campaigns to maintain compliance and customer trust.

  • Improved Targeting
  • Self Cleaned Contacts
  • Regulatory Adherence
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Link Shortening & Tracking

Shorten and track links to keep your SMS concise and measure engagement.

  • Saved SMS Characters
  • Campaign Tracking
  • Sending Unique URLs
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Enriched Content

Enrich your SMS content with emojis, variables, and other dynamic elements to capture attention.

  • Interactive Messages
  • Involved Audience
  • Higher Conversion Rates
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Analytics and Reporting

Analyze your SMS campaign performance to optimize strategies and maximize ROI.

  • Engagement Tracking
  • Long-Term Planning
  • Actionable Insights
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Integrations with Other Apps

Integrate with other tools using Zapier.

  • Streamlined Workflows
  • Seamless Connectivity
  • Data Synchronization
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Contact Management

Manage and segment your contacts effectively.

  • Targeted Campaigns
  • Increased Productivity
  • Improved Customer Relationship
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Benefits of Using SMS Campaigns

Boost Brand Awareness

Consistently running SMS campaigns increases brand recognition, making your brand familiar and trusted among customers.

Drive Mobile Revenue

Send personalized SMS messages that prompt customers to act, directly driving sales from their mobile devices.

Be Effective at All Stages

Use SMS at each stage of your marketing funnel to maintain effective communication throughout the customer journey.

Get Measurable Results

Track precise performance metrics, such as delivery, open rates, and conversions, to refine your SMS marketing campaign strategies continuously.

Enhance Personalized Communication

Connect with your customers personally through SMS campaigns, building stronger relationships and loyalty.

Achieve Targeted Messaging

With targeted SMS messaging, you can reach your desired audience directly, ensuring your marketing efforts are focused on the right people at the right time.


What is an SMS Campaign?

An SMS campaign is a powerful communication strategy that involves sending direct, targeted text messages to a group of people via SMS. It is a cost-effective and highly measurable way to connect with your audience, drive business growth, and ensure that your messages are read almost immediately after being received.

How do I choose the right SMS package?

Selecting the right SMS package is quite straightforward. Each package includes SMS as the default communication channel. To use it effectively, add non-expiring SMS credits to your account and automatically receive volume-based discounts

Can I customize my messages for different audience segments?

Yes, the TopMessage platform allows you to customize your SMS messages for different audience segments easily. By using criteria such as age, gender, behavior, or preferences, you can create tailored messages that resonate with specific groups within your audience. This personalization enhances engagement and effectiveness, leading to better results for your SMS marketing campaigns.

What are the best times to send SMS messages?

The best times to send SMS messages are generally around 12 pm or 8 pm, during lunch breaks, or in the evening when recipients are most active and engaged. The TopMessage platform helps you schedule messages at optimal times based on the message's purpose and the recipients' characteristics.

How can I track the success of my SMS campaigns?

You can track the success of an SMS campaign in various ways. First, you need to identify the number of recipients to whom your message was successfully delivered and not delivered via delivery and failed rate, respectively. You can also track various metrics, as shown below.

Delivery rate:

The number of successfully delivered messages.

Click-through rate (CTR):

The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your SMS

Unsubscribe rate:

The percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your list after receiving the SMS

Revenue generated:

Direct or indirect, the revenue generated from your SMS campaigns.

Return on investment (ROI):

The overall return on investment by considering the cost of your SMS marketing campaigns and the revenue generated.

Engagement metrics:

Metrics such as time spent on the SMS, scroll depth, or social shares to understand subscriber engagement.

What measures do you take to ensure compliance with SMS regulations?

TopMessage prioritizes SMS compliance by strictly adhering to industry regulations and best practices. Our measures include obtaining explicit consent from recipients, providing easy opt-out options, maintaining accurate records, and ensuring message content complies with legal guidelines. This commitment to compliance builds trust and transparency in TopMessage’s SMS marketing practices.

Can I integrate your SMS service with other marketing tools?

Absolutely! TopMessage integrates seamlessly with other marketing tools using Zapier. You can sign up for a free Zapier plan with 100 automated monthly tasks to streamline your workflows and enhance your marketing efforts.

How do your analytics help improve SMS campaign performance?

TopMessage analytics are essential for boosting SMS campaign performance by providing real-time behavioral tracking and engagement patterns. This data allows you to make immediate adjustments to refine your SMS campaign tactics and optimize future campaigns for better results.

Ready to jump in?

Let’s get your campaign rolling.

Curly-haired girl sitting on the floor checking her phone for a “Thank You” message received for her subscription