Boost your Revenue with TopMessage WhatsApp Campaigns

Engage more leads efficiently with TopMessage WhatsApp campaigns, maintaining the personal touch modern audiences expect.


No credit card required


of recipients convert after WhatsApp campaign


improvement in overall brand perception


of WhatsApp messages are opened by recipients


of customers opt-in for WhatsApp marketing updates

WhatsApp Campaigns: Harnessing the Power of the #1 Messaging App

WhatsApp marketing campaigns allow you to leverage the power of the world’s leading messaging app. Elevate customer engagement with dynamic multimedia messages featuring images, videos, and captivating visuals, tailored to your audience's preferences.


No credit card required

Why Choose Us for Your WhatsApp Campaigns

Guided WhatsApp Onboarding

Benefit from our expert-guided onboarding process. Our dedicated team of WhatsApp specialists will help you implement best practices, enhancing your WhatsApp marketing campaign strategy at every step.

Advanced Segmentation

Leverage TopMessage’s advanced segmentation to categorize and target your audience into over 100 distinct groups. Use attributes like location, interests, and buying behavior to ensure your WhatsApp campaigns reach the right people efficiently.

Personalized Interactions

Utilize a personalized approach in your WhatsApp marketing campaigns by addressing customers by name and incorporating tailored information. Craft messages that resonate personally with recipients, boosting the chances of a positive interaction and fostering stronger customer relationships.

Pre-Built Templates

Save time and boost effectiveness with customizable, high-converting pre-built templates for your WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Tailor these templates to meet your specific goals and target audience for maximum impact.

Automated WhatsApp Marketing

Automate your WhatsApp marketing campaigns with TopMessage. Create a series of engaging messages, from welcome greetings to onboarding stages, saving time and ensuring swift, efficient communication.

Campaign Statistics

TopMessage offers detailed insights into your WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Track metrics such as delivered, opened, blocked messages, and more. Use this data to measure campaign success and make continuous improvements.

Case Study

Boosting Customer Orders with WhatsApp

A European grab-and-go coffee chain aimed to increase daily coffee orders while keeping acquisition costs low, significantly. To achieve this, they decided to replace their underperforming traditional notification channels with WhatsApp marketing campaigns. By partnering with TopMessage, they began sending WhatsApp campaigns featuring engaging content and interactive buttons that redirected customers to order pages and collected customer feedback. Investing around €300 monthly to reach 5000 customers, the chain saw remarkable results. Daily orders increased fivefold, generating an additional €1500 in daily revenue. Additionally, customer retention from WhatsApp campaigns tripled, showcasing the efficacy of their revamped marketing approach.

Customer purchasing coffee at a coffee shop that achieved notable results with TopMessage

How It Works

Engaging with TopMessage on WhatsApp Campaigns


Select Your Plan
Create Your Business Profile
Build Multimedia Templates
Craft Your WhatsApp Campaign
Choose Scheduling Type
Launch Your WhatsApp Campaign
Monitor and Optimize

Select Your Plan

Subscribe to our Multichannel plan or create your own plan which includes WhatsApp sender along with other services. Add never-expiring WhatsApp credits based on your marketing goals.

Screenshot of the TopMessage's signup page

Create Your Business Profile

Set up your display name, unique phone number, and business description to showcase your brand. This helps ensure that your customers clearly recognize your brand in every WhatsApp message they receive.

Screenshot of TopMessage's WhatsApp sender submission page

Build Multimedia Templates

Create eye-catching templates with up to 1,024 characters. Include calls-to-action (CTAs), videos, emojis, and more to make your WhatsApp messages stand out.

Screenshot of TopMessage's dynamic WhatsApp template creation page

Craft Your WhatsApp Campaign

Select an approved template for your WhatsApp campaign and choose the recipient list from our user-friendly dashboard.

Screenshot of TopMessage's WhatsApp campaign creation page

Choose Scheduling Type

To maximize engagement, plan the optimal delivery times for your WhatsApp messages. Based on customer behavior insights, choose between instant delivery or automated scheduling.

Screenshot of TopMessage's WhatsApp campaign page with scheduling function

Launch Your WhatsApp Campaign

Start with a test group of recipients. Once everything looks good, proceed with the full-scale launch of your WhatsApp campaign.

Screenshot of TopMessage's campaign review page

Monitor and Optimize

Use analytics to evaluate your WhatsApp campaigns performance. Monitor delivery rates, seen rates, click-through rates, and received responses to optimize future campaigns.

Screenshot of the TopMessage's analytics page

Key Features ofWhatsApp Marketing Campaigns

Get started fast with our solutions

Dynamic Templates

Branded Senders

TopMessage AI

Automated Messaging

Opt-out Management

Link Shortening & Tracking

Enriched Content

Analytics and Reporting

Integrations with other apps

Contact Management

Dynamic Templates

Create and customize engaging SMS templates.

  • Personalization
  • Direct Engagement
  • Efficient Campaigns
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Branded Senders

Use custom sender names for brand recognition.

  • Increased Trust
  • Higher Conversion
  • Brand Awareness
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

TopMessage AI

Leverage AI-driven text suggestions and message optimization.

  • Content Improvement
  • Better Response Rate
  • Smart Recommendations
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Automated Messaging

Automate the sending of pre-written messages based on specific dates or triggered by events.

  • Instant Communication
  • Work Streamlining
  • Send Time Optimization
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Opt-out Management

Ensure regulatory compliance and respect customer preferences with automated opt-out management.

  • Compliance Maintaining
  • Worldwide Availability
  • Improved Targeting
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Link Shortening & Tracking

Shorten and monitor links used in your WhatsApp messages or CTAs to improve engagement metrics.

  • Click-Through Rate Analytics
  • Higher Effectiveness
  • Improved User Experience
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Enriched Content

Enhance your WhatsApp messages with images, audio, videos, documents, and interactive buttons.

  • Interactive Messages
  • Engaged Audience
  • Higher Conversion Rates
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Analytics and Reporting

Utilize a comprehensive set of metrics to assess and optimize the performance of your WhatsApp campaigns.

  • Data-Driven Decision
  • Improved Performance
  • Long-Term Planning
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Integrations with other apps

Effortlessly send WhatsApp messages using Zapier integration—no coding required.

  • CRM Integrations
  • Data Synchronization
  • Easy Set up
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Contact Management

Segment and manage the contacts list for targeted WhatsApp communication.

  • Quick Reach for Information
  • Improved Customer Relationships
  • Segmentation
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Campaigns

High Open Rate

WhatsApp boasts an exceptional 98% average open rate, surpassing all other communication channels. Additionally, approximately 80% of WhatsApp messages are read within the first 5 minutes, showcasing the unparalleled effectiveness of WhatsApp marketing campaigns.


WhatsApp marketing campaigns offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing channels. With WhatsApp, you are charged based on categorized sessions rather than per message, which maximizes your marketing budget and significantly boosts your ROI.

Large User Base

As the #1 messaging app worldwide with over 2.8 billion users, WhatsApp provides unparalleled reach for your marketing campaigns. It offers access to a diverse global demographic, ensuring your message reaches a broad audience.

Better Engagement

Boost your audience engagement with interactive and creative WhatsApp marketing campaigns. Incorporate elements like images, videos, and reply buttons to make your messages more engaging. Leveraging WhatsApps private nature can foster a stronger connection with your audience, as personalized messages often result in higher engagement levels.

Secure Communication

Prioritizing privacy and security, WhatsApp protects your data and communications from unauthorized access with its robust encryption. This ensures that information sent through your WhatsApp marketing campaigns remains secure and only accessible to the intended recipient.

Actionable Analytics

WhatsApp provides detailed analytics for each marketing campaign, offering insights into user engagement. By examining metrics like message open rates, media file clicks, button interactions, response rates, and subscription changes, you gain valuable insights to enhance your marketing strategies for better results.


What is a WhatsApp Campaign?

A WhatsApp marketing campaign is a targeted messaging strategy to share notifications or promotions directly on the WhatsApp platform. It is an effective way to engage with your audience, drive sales, and build brand identity. With TopMessage, you can easily send unlimited messages, ensuring seamless communication with your audience.

How do I select the appropriate WhatsApp package?

To activate WhatsApp services, subscribe to the Multichannel package or customize a plan by adding WhatsApp senders and credits based on your planned volume.

Can I personalize WhatsApp messages for various audience segments?

Absolutely! TopMessage offers the flexibility of using multiple variables to facilitate your WhatsApp message personalization, thereby boosting interaction with various audience segments. By segmenting your audience by age, gender, behavior, or preferences, you can craft personalized WhatsApp messages tailored to each group.

What are the optimal times for sending WhatsApp messages?

The optimal timing for WhatsApp Marketing campaigns is around 12 pm or 8 pm on weekdays. These times are effective for reaching individuals during lunch breaks or when they finish their workday and check their phones. For weekends, aim for 10:00 am and 12:00 pm, when people are more relaxed and likely to check their phones.

How can I measure the success of my WhatsApp campaigns?

You can measure the success of the WhatsApp campaign in various ways. First, you need to identify the number of recipients to whom your message was successfully delivered and not delivered via delivery and failed rate, respectively. Second, you can track various metrics, as shown below.

Open rate:

The percentage of recipients who opened your WhatsApp message

Click-through rate (CTR):

The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link or Call-to-Action button of your WhatsApp message

Conversion rate:

The percentage of recipients who completed the desired action, such as making a purchase or submitting the survey

Unsubscribe rate:

The percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your list after receiving the WhatsApp message

Revenue generated:

Revenue from your WhatsApp campaigns, directly or indirectly.

Return on investment (ROI):

The overall return on investment, considering the cost of your WhatsApp marketing campaigns and the revenue generated.

Engagement metrics:

Metrics like time spent on WhatsApp, scroll depth, or social shares.

What compliance measures are in place for WhatsApp campaigns?

TopMessage adheres to WhatsApp regulations and best practices. We ensure compliance by obtaining explicit opt-in consent, offering easy opt-out options, maintaining accurate records, and ensuring message content meets guidelines. This commitment protects businesses and consumers, fostering trust and transparency.

How can I integrate WhatsApp campaigns with my other marketing efforts?

Using Zapier integrations, you can integrate the TopMessage WhatsApp campaign service with your favorite marketing tools. Zapier’s free plan, with 100 automated monthly tasks, helps streamline workflows and save time.

What analytics tools are available to optimize my WhatsApp campaigns?

TopMessage provides comprehensive analytics to optimize your WhatsApp campaigns. Real-time tracking and engagement analysis offer insights into performance metrics like total cost, open rates, CTR, and response rates. This data allows for immediate adjustments, enhancing future campaign strategies.

Eager to connect?

Launch your WhatsApp campaign with TopMessage today!

Curly-haired girl sitting on the floor checking her phone for a “Thank You” message received for her subscription