Unify Multi-Channel Communications with Our Advanced Inbox

Explore Messaging Inbox

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Customer support representative using TopMessage\'s inbox to check SMS and WhatsApp messages
Man on the street reading an SMS appointment reminder
Elderly man in the snow checking his mobile for location via WhatsApp business message
Girl with a red cap reading a WhatsApp business message on her phone
Girl with a tattoo checking her phone for a rock festival invitation received via WhatsApp
Girl with a backpack at the station checking an SMS about her arriving taxi
Girl drinking juice in the street checking an SMS confirmation for a concert ticket
Girl on the street receiving a billing statement via SMS


of recipients reply back within 30 minutes


improvement in overall brand perception


of messages are successfully delivered


of customers prefer messaging for customer service

Manage Conversations in a Single Multichannel Messaging Platform

Experience Two-Way Communication with Unified Inbox

The TopMessage Unified Messaging Inbox is a centralized hub that consolidates all your messages from various channels, such as SMS and WhatsApp, into one efficient interface. This unified approach empowers you to maintain seamless one-on-one communication by receiving real-time notifications of all incoming messages.

Streamline Customer Support with Advanced Features

Our platform lets you easily prioritize, respond to, and resolve conversations, streamlining your customer support process. Essential features like message search, conversation threading, and robust filtering options enhance your communication workflows for SMS and WhatsApp.

Available Channels

Build Stronger Relationships with Our Communication Channels

SMS Inbox

SMS Inbox

Deliver exceptional customer service through TopMessage SMS inbox

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WhatsApp Inbox

WhatsApp Inbox

Enrich your messages with multimedia files to deliver a superior experience

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Why Choose TopMessage for Your Unified Messaging Inbox

All-Inclusive Solution

Seamlessly manage all communication channels in a single inbox. This integration enables your teams to efficiently address customer concerns through a unified interface, eliminating the need to juggle multiple platforms.

Advanced AI Features

Utilize TopMessage AI to generate responses for your SMS and WhatsApp inquiries automatically. This feature ensures smarter, faster, and more efficient conversations, allowing your team to focus on more complex issues.

Saved Replies

Use message templates as saved replies to frequently asked questions to streamline communication, reducing errors and providing quick, consistent responses.

Prioritized Conversations

Manage your workload efficiently by prioritizing conversations from all messaging channels, ensuring that you promptly address urgent issues while handling less critical matters appropriately.

Rich Media Support

Easily exchange videos, product links, images, audio, files, and other content during conversations for a complete exchange of information, enhancing the communication experience.

Automated Messaging

Utilize scheduled messages for all instances to streamline your workflow and save time. Send messages automatically based on each recipient’s needs and time zone, ensuring timely communication without manual intervention.

How It Works

Engaging with TopMessage on Unified Messaging Inbox


Get Your Numbers
Share Your Numbers
Receive and Prioritize
Reply to Incoming Messages
Close Resolved Conversations

Get Your Numbers

Subscribe to the Multichannel Plan to enable a textable number for each channel. If you need more than one number per channel, create a Custom Plan by adding the desired quantity for each channel.

Screenshot of TopMessage's pricing plans page

Share Your Numbers

Share your numbers and let your audience choose their preferred channel. Add a call-to-action button or publish a link or QR code on your website to open your SMS and WhatsApp numbers, facilitating easy and accessible communication with your business.

Screenshot of TopMessage's WhatsApp and SMS channels selection page

Receive and Prioritize

Get dashboard notifications whenever a new SMS or WhatsApp message is received in your unified inbox. Prioritize each message based on urgency for efficient handling.

Screenshot of TopMessage's unified messaging inbox with conversation priorities

Reply to Incoming Messages

Quickly respond to customer inquiries using reactions, quick replies, and AI-suggested text. Enhance your communication by sharing multimedia files directly from your unified inbox, making your interactions more dynamic and engaging.

Screenshot of the TopMessage's  AI assistant tool

Close Resolved Conversations

Organize and clean up your unified messaging inbox by closing resolved inquiries, ensuring streamlined communication workflows.

Screenshot of TopMessage's unified messaging inbox with resolved SMS conversations

Key Features ofthe Unified Messaging Inbox

Get started fast with our solutions

Dynamic Templates

Virtual Numbers

TopMessage AI

Automated Messaging

Enriched Content

Analytics and Reporting

Integration with other tools

Contacts Management

QR Codes Generation

Conversations Prioritization

Dynamic Templates

Easily create and save SMS and WhatsApp templates with multimedia and interactive buttons to quickly address common inquiries across all communication channels.

  • Personalized Content
  • Time Optimization
  • Streamlined Operations
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Virtual Numbers

Manage SMS communications and receive responses directly into the unified inbox using virtual numbers (applicable only for SMS).

  • Local Presence
  • Free Incoming Messages
  • 2-Way Communication
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

TopMessage AI

Leverage TopMessage AI to elevate your content quality, rectify spelling and grammar errors, and optimize interactions for effortless two-way communication.

  • Reduced Errors
  • Content Creation
  • Higher Respone Rate
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Automated Messaging

Schedule WhatsApp and SMS messages directly from your unified messaging inbox using automated scheduling, even when you're not available.

  • Time Optimization
  • Simple Setup
  • 24/7 Availability
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Enriched Content

Elevate your WhatsApp messages with multimedia content such as images, videos, audio, documents, and interactive buttons.

  • Media Attachment
  • Interactive Buttons
  • Multilanguage Messages
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Analytics and Reporting

Regularly track and analyze the performance of your SMS and WhatsApp communication. Key metrics include delivery, open, response, and click-through rates, allowing you to identify trends and measure engagement.

  • Cross Channel Monitoring
  • Real-Time Data
  • Actionable Insights
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Integration with other tools

Easily integrate your unified inbox with other customer support tools, CRMs, chatbots, and more using Zapier or by building your integration with our open API.

  • Easy Integration
  • Scalable Solution
  • Automated Messages
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Contacts Management

Efficiently manage and segment your contacts for both SMS and WhatsApp within the integrated contacts management area. Store new contacts, apply labels, and add personalized notes to them.

  • Segmentation
  • Personalization
  • Effectiveness
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

QR Codes Generation

Generate dedicated QR codes for your SMS and WhatsApp channels with customized pre-filled text. Enable your audience to scan and start conversations with you effortlessly.

  • Enhanced Engagement
  • Increased Reach
  • Better Customer Experience
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Conversations Prioritization

Prioritize urgent messages received from all channels in the unified system using our specialized tool to address them first, ensuring essential matters are handled promptly.

  • Increase Customer Satisfaction
  • Enhanced Conversation Handling
  • Optimized Wait Time
Screenshot of TopMessage's dashboard showing various pages and tools

Integration and Compatibility

Effortlessly centralize your multi-channel two-way messaging with our versatile API or plug-and-play no-code integrations for your comprehensive messaging hub. Seamlessly connect our messaging solution with various CRM, chatbots, and marketing tools using popular workflow builders such as Zapier to HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Gmail, and beyond.

Data Synchronization

Ensure smooth data exchange between TopMessage and your existing systems, keeping information up-to-date across all platforms.

Multimedia Exchanges

Enhance communication efficiency by facilitating multimedia content sharing through integrated workflows.

Optimized Workflows

Streamline your processes with automation and synchronized data, reducing manual tasks and improving operational efficiency.

Advanced Features

Maximize your messaging strategy by integrating it with TopMessage’s unified inbox solution. Utilize automation across your customers' preferred channels to enhance the customer support process, send order notifications, and facilitate instant feedback collection, all while seamlessly integrating communication strategies across both SMS and WhatsApp.

Interactive Communication

Enhance audience engagement with dynamic messages that include dynamic and interactive elements like multimedia files, text formatting, message reactions, Call-to-Action buttons, and Quick Reply options.

Date-based Automation

Date-based automation schedules messages for specific dates and times, ensuring your communication is sent precisely when it’s most effective. Whether sending a reminder before an event, a follow-up after purchase, or a celebratory message on an anniversary, date-based automation keeps your messaging timely and relevant.

Smart Flow Builder

Create an exceptional messaging journey combining WhatsApp and SMS, guiding users from onboarding to retention. Welcome new leads as they join your contact list, provide support and information to trial users, and nurture them towards becoming loyal customers.


What defines a Unified Messaging Inbox?

A Unified Messaging Inbox is a centralized location that integrates multiple communication channels, such as SMS, into a single interface. It seamlessly enables users to manage all incoming and outgoing messages across these channels, improving efficiency and enhancing customer engagement. With a Unified Messaging Inbox, users can easily view, respond to, and organize messages from different channels, enhancing customer engagement and interaction.

How do templates work within the Unified Messaging Inbox for SMS and WhatsApp?

Templates within the Unified Messaging Inbox allow users to create pre-defined message formats for SMS and WhatsApp channels. These templates let users respond quickly to common inquiries or send standardized notifications. You can create templates for frequently asked questions or typical responses and access them directly from the inbox interface. This feature streamlines communication processes, improves response times, and enhances customer experience.

What AI tools are available in the Messaging Inbox to improve communication across platforms?

The Unified Messaging Inbox offers several AI-powered features to enhance communication across SMS and WhatsApp:

AI Text Improvement

AI provides quick suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your messages based on the content and goal.

Spelling and Grammar Correction:

Automatically corrects spelling and grammatical errors in your messages, ensuring professionalism and clarity in any language.

Spelling and Grammar Correction:

Optimizes SMS messages to fit within character limits, reducing costs while maintaining effective communication.

How can I import and manage my contact list for both SMS and WhatsApp?

To effectively import and manage your contact list for SMS and WhatsApp:

Import Contacts from CSV or Excel Files:

  • Navigate to the Contacts section in your messaging platform and upload a CSV or Excel file containing your contacts.
  • Add Contacts Directly from Your Messaging Inbox:

  • Save new contacts directly from incoming messages. Add details like names and other relevant information, and use labels to categorize contacts for easier segmentation and management.
  • You can always assign labels to categorize contacts for easier segmentation and management.

    Can I integrate the Unified Messaging Inbox with other business tools?

    Yes, the Unified Messaging Inbox integrates with various business tools, enhancing communication and streamlining workflow management across your team. This integration extends to multiple platforms, including CRM systems, Helpdesk software, Marketing Automation tools, and E-commerce platforms. Whether you prefer using our Open API or ready-made templates in Zapier, you can easily integrate with your existing tools. This allows for consolidated communication channels and improved operational efficiency across your organization.

    What are the benefits of using a Messaging Inbox that supports SMS and WhatsApp?

    Using a Unified Messaging Inbox that supports both SMS and WhatsApp offers several advantages:

    Unified Communication:

    Manage all your messages from SMS and WhatsApp in one place, simplifying your communication management.

    Enhanced Customer Reach:

    Reach your audience on their preferred platforms by leveraging SMS and WhatsApp. This allows you to improve engagement and response rates.

    Improved Customer Experience:

    Offering multiple communication options provides customers with their preferred method of interaction, enhancing their overall experience.


    A single inbox for multiple channels reduces the costs of managing separate messaging systems.

    Increased Efficiency:

    Centralizing messages in one inbox enables quicker responses, reducing response times and boosting customer satisfaction.

    Get Started Today

    Optimize Your Communication Strategy – Get Started with Our Unified Messaging Inbox Today!

    Curly-haired girl sitting on the floor checking her phone for a “Thank You” message received for her subscription